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Feb 2016
DesarrollorfogdevVisual Studio

A nightmare updating Visual Studio 2015

Yes, this is in English. There are two reasons for that: First this post is an answer for Visual Studio Team guys, and Second, because I’m worth it.

I’m describing the nightmare that sometimes happens when you hace Visual Studio 2015 updates. If you are interested, continue reading.

In VS you have three ways to update the product:

  1. VSIX installer. You do the installation process inside VS and once you have installed all things, restarts VS.
  2. Web Navigator. The update launches a web page or a direct download and you follow the normal installation process of any other program. You can enqueue all the installations and once all finished, reopen VS.
  3. Via Visual Studio Installer. Described in the next section.

Now some updates comes in the form of launch Visual Studio installer, that performs the update as if it were a normal installation. The idea is not bad by itself, but sometimes it means to have to launch the installer many times.

For example, this morning I’ve found 3 of those updates, that appears when you launch Visual Studio with a little flag in you top right window title. Then you open the notification window, that opens the update dialog in Tools menu.

After that you click in one update, that opens Visual Studio Installer and does the job. It takes a lot of time.

Once finished, you return to Visual Studio, repeat the thing and get another half hour installing this one.

And so and so and until all updates are done.

This is a nightmare for the developer. It is an incredible waste of time.

Instead of that, Visual Studio Installer could launch all installations. I don’t know how, but perhaps checkbox each update with a “launch” button, or simply open the installer and let the installer find and offer all updates.

I’ve found that this uses a lot of time in the “visual studio preparation” phase, that it seems is the same each time. It means cut the installation time near to 1/<n> times.

The developer will be happy, developer boss even more happy.

My two cents.

Para aquellos a los que el inglés les resulte como navegar en un mar de melaza, si no sois jodíos developers no os perdéis nada, y si lo sois y no pilláis una, ¿qué coño hacéis que todavía no sabéis inglés?

Por RFOG | 15 Comentarios | Enlaza esta entrada tema por Ángel García (Hal9000)